PULLEY.EXE NOTES Alan Marconett 12/20/01 The application is in DOS, but it is a menu driven program, meaning there are menus to choose from by using arrow keys and enter, and by "TABBING" to the next entry. You make a selection, or type in a new value, and the "answers" calculate. Sorry, no graphics! I suppose it could be done in Delphi for windoz, but I don't currently have time for that. To install just copy pulley.zip into a directory, unzip it, and then run the pulley.exe program in a DOS window. There is a pulley.cfg file, it saves your parm. selections. Try it! 1. Start program 2. select pitch using up/down arrows. Press enter (data below changes). 3. "tab" to next parm, and type in 24 for teeth. Press enter (data below changes). 4. Tab, Back Tab, keys move you from one parm. to another. ESC exits the program. Typing in a parameter, you can use backspace, or arrow keys, and toggle insert mode. 5. The top parm. will set "defaults" to the following group of parms. You can tab down to the next group, and change the parms. Remember to press "enter" to set a value and do calculations. I haven't proven the cut depth, but I believe the mag article was in error, and Marvin's implementation of that article also incorrect. I intend to measure a few pulleys, and see if I can prove my calculations. Any ideas? The Gcode is for a mill. I tried the setup last week: fly cutter in vertical spindle. rotary table rotation around X axis (makes it a 'C'), facing + (right). I couldn't get it to fit in front, so will be running it in back. I just ran it in FlashCut. Doesn't like the (c). Probably doesn't handle nested '('. I can do away with that! Fixed. I wasn't going to do a help file IN the program, but I might still. Basically you enter pitch and number of teeth on the top left side, and you can override the "default" parameters in the middle left block, and get the results in the bottom left block. And you found the file name entry on the bottom. On the right side you enter your mill info. inch/deg gets you "scaled" to drive the rotary table w/ 'Z' (0.01 Sherline), the length of cut you want to get clear of the pulley blank on either side, the depth of cut per pass, and the feed rate. Then press the "go"! Remember to press "enter" after changing a parm, not just a TAB! That's about all there is to it! It was fun to see the cutter go back and forth, in and out, rotary table turn, all on the first try! Well, err.. I can't quite get the cutter on the backside of the pulley blank yet, but they do it in the rotary table doc, I think... PROBABLY because I have the old Sears/Sherline mill, with less 'Y' travel. I didn't think of that! If you would; try to "break" it, I.E., give it various values, and see if it makes the program crash! I've tried to find all the "divide by zero's", and "domain errors", but it's tough work. You'd be surprised how many bugs a student can find! They should have fun running it too, if you can get a rotary table. Not much to see in FlashCut, try importing it into Vector CAD/CAM, and zooming in close (3D)! It would be hard to draw it that way (as I've heard recommended)! Thanks for taking a look! Alan Marconett KM6VV